
Change, a short word, yet a long journey that never ends. Some might call it evolution, some others ‘a process of adaptation’… Truth is, we all change as time passes by.

Our journey began back in 2016, aiming to connect people. As international trade grew, we saw firsthand how warehouses filled up to capacity with trucks backing up waiting to drop off their shipments. It seemed easy to conclude there weren’t enough outbound trucks to meet the growing demand of freight; however, we realized hundreds of trucks were parked at truck stops waiting to find loads. Then, how to get them to know about one another? Shippers and freight forwarders couldn’t connect with these truck owners in a seamless way. Plus, cross border shipping solutions were complicated, even chaotic when talking about paperwork and regulations. If only we could find a way to connect these shippers and freight forwarders with reliable carriers that serve these lanes, through a digital marketplace… SO WE DID.

Today, we are the only cloud-based platform in the industry; simplifying the once complex process of international over-the-road (OTR) shipping, reducing costs, and increasing revenue for shippers and carriers. We connect shippers with a broad network of reliable carriers and drivers in Mexico, Canada and the United States, providing transparent pricing for available freight capacity on both sides of the border.

We evolved, so did the way we look. While connecting shippers and carriers, we became a bridge, a connection, a companion… WE BECAME THEIR ROADMATE, and that is what our brand refresh is all about; it’s about thinking bigger, wider, and further together. We’re with them on the road, always ready for a new trip, places to meet, and more stories to tell. The adventure continues and a new chapter is about to begin, because the road might be the same, but a load on its way is always proof of a new chance.

So, where do we go next?