Why should I join Fr8app?

Get shipments to and across borders quickly, safely, and with less hassle:

  • Access to thousands of reliable “NAFTA” lane carriers
  • Price transparency
  • Reduce risk with 24/7 tracking and live updates
  • Boost efficiency by using one platform to manage your freight

Spend less time trying to find reliable carriers and worrying about your loads. Simply post your shipment, its destination anywhere in the USA, Mexico or Canada and the amount you’re willing to pay. You’ll be matched with a secure carrier quickly. Then once the shipment is on its way, you can enjoy real-time 24/7 tracking.

Where can I ship my products with Fr8app?
Domestic USA (from and to border cities), Cross-border USA-MEX, USA-Canada and Domestic MEX.
Can I ship my products cross border?

Yes. Fr8app specializes in cross border shipping to Mexico and Canada.

How do I track my shipment?
With live 24×7 GPS tracking, you can track your shipment on mobile app or on desktop as well as chat keeps you in direct and constant communication with the carrier and our team.
How does Fr8app verify its carriers?

We fully screen our carriers through an extensive verification process which includes:

  • Business/site verification
  • Insurance verification
  • Safety record review under FMCSA safety requirements
  • References
Are there any fees to join Fr8app?

No! Joining us is 100% free. Join us today or download our app for iOS or Android